Here at the Forest we’ve been lucky enough to join up with Lewes New School (LNS) and host six exceptionally enthusiastic and vibrant young kids every Wednesday for 2 hours. We’ve been on a journey together since early Spring, where together, we discover the wonders of diversity, the treasures Nature presents; and observed the patterns […]
Our Design Story
Hi there, I’m Peter Cow, and I was the chief Permaculture designer for the Rodmell Food Forest. If you want to hear more about the story of the design and development of this innovative forest, you’re in the right place. I got involved in the Rodmell Food Forest after a phone call from Adam, asking […]
A Long Way Back to Spring
As a crimson fire crackles and hums in the stove, glistening with warmth as it toasts the cabin, the winds roar and cascade through the Sussex Downs; tumbling through the hedgerows and shrubs, arriving rugged at our doorsteps here in the Rodmell Food Forest. Winter has arrived. Or at the very least, graced us with it’s first enchanting spell […]